Monday, December 16, 2019

2019 Update

     We are still here in Roanoke, Virginia and a lot of water has gone under the bridge since our move here in 2005.  I now have added a few things to my medical history.  Oh, by the way, the cancer is still gone and the psa is still zero.  The urologist effectively released me from the cancer list.  However, I have added two small strokes, one stent in the heart and 2 stents in the left leg to my list of medical history.  Church has been a big topic.  We joined and served at Grace Baptist Church from2005 until 2914.  We went to Fleming Chapel in September of 2014, then back to Grace Baptist to help after the pastor and several of the deacons left.  In 2017, Grace Baptist became New Grace Baptist church with a merger with New Horizon Baptist Church.  After a year or so of transition, we returned to Fleming Chapel.  We also attend Sheanandoah Baptist Church on Wednesday morning and have been blessed by the ministry of Bob Alderman in the study of the Book of Hebrews.  Now, we are just fighting the problem of getting old.  We are both in our 80's and feel it every day.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Keeping Up to Speed...

Well, here we are in 2007 and still taking psa tests and so far, so good. Nothing new has developed but the doctor did say that this can reoccur even after 15 years. So, we play the waiting game and keep praying.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Here are a couple of shots of our new church.
We are enjoying it very much. Of course, this is just the building. The church, the "real church" is the people, and that is what we are enjoying very much.

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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Government Reply to Katrina

I have to admit that I stand amazed at the slowness of the Federal Government in its reply to the disaster caused by Katrina. There are so many things that we are able to do under pressure but this sure wasn't one of them. Maybe there wasn't enough planning nor was there enough care about the situation. To me, it isn't feasible to let people die in wheel chairs and infants to die while the government just plans to do womething and then does it days later. This buck is going to stop with congress and the president. While they are not responsible for the storm itself, they are responsible for the timing and the response of the Federal Government. I would give our representatives an "F" on their report card for this action.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

New Beginnings

Things are getting settled in our new home. We are doing a lot of gardening and little repair jobs here and there, but overall, things are looking up. We just returned from a trip to Illinois and Parkersburg West Virginia. I had a visit with the doctor and was looking for my latest PSA test, which didn't show up. While the house is going well, the services in the area of Roanoke have really left something to be desired. That is, nothing seems to go right. The PSA test was supposed to be sent to the doctor and had 10 days to get there but, it didn't. Who knows where that is. Plus, everything that we have purchased here, some of the items rather larege, have shown up with some defect. Even a new Clarinet came with a bent key and has to be sent to the repair shop even before the first note is ever played. One of the hardest things is looking for a new church. We have been bouncing around with about 3 different churches and are really not sure as to which one is the best. Well, have a good day to you all and check back some other time.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Been awhile since my last update. We made the move and things are slowly getting settled in our new home. It seems as if almost all ties have been severed with my former church. I heard from them once after we moved but nothing from the leadership since. We are enjoying the time now that is freem from the budens of meetings and committees. Still looking for a church in our area. Visited two and are going to a third this morning. This is the church that was atteneded by our Realator and has some good history and is rather good doctrinally. We will see what they ahve going on when we get there. Had a couple of opportunities to preach and that was good. Well, things are looking good here. Check in later for more updates.

Monday, March 14, 2005

March 15, 2005
Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Have you ever felt like the task before you was impossible? I recently experienced just such a time in my life. As you may know, we are getting ready to relocate in a different area. As a result, we have spent today loading up a large trailer, a car and a van, another truck and still given some stuff away. As we went through the house, it seemed like an endless task. I didn't think that we would ever come to the end of it. It seemed to be impossible to me. But, the Scriptures always come up with a comfort and God takes care of the situation. Matthew 19:26 says, "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Diane and I are now in a motel having completed the task. Oh, it wasn't just us. We had a lot of help, I mean a lot of help, both men and women from the church came out to help us get things packed away. I didn't know how the van could hold so many small things. The whole point is that God has a way of getting things done. While we may fret at the moment, when the day is done, God always comes through. What had seemed to be impossible was really possible with God in His way and in His time. It might be with moving or completing your education, or just surviving a terrible experience. God always sees you through and has sufficient grace for you to make it. You are never left alone hanging on a rocky precipice with your feet dangling over oblivion. Remember! You are in God's hands and with Him, all things are possible.